Headless SXA
The Sitecore Experience Accelerator have been around for a while.
With Sitecore 10.3 (and XM Cloud) we have a new version of SXA targeted for headless and composable development. Most of the components have been removed, leaving some very basic and less opinionated ones.
What are the features in Sitecore Headless SXA
Sites defined with content. No sites.config definition, in content
Site scoped structure
Rendering variants
Tokens for datasources etc.1
Partial Page Designs (layout service configName sxa-jss)
A few basic components
Available renderings and the tab based dialog.
I find this really attractive, I see no reason to not base new development of those parts. For transitioning an existing site, it would probably not make sense to change it (but please consider carefully if just transitioning makes sense, you probably need to create a new “head” implementation anyway). The balance of when to use Partial Page Designs, standard values, page branches, there might be some new trade-offs to make…
The only overview of tokens I have found is from post on StackExchange about SXA tokens ↩︎